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User talk:Roberto111199

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Think of a web where with one click you can be taught by the foremost expert in the field of study you wish. One source for education and knowledge. Open to the web for free. No more haves and have-nots. A kid living on a rice farm on Thailand could have the same access as anyone in the world to a Virtual Open Source Education. From �ta-ta-ti-ti-ta� taught by Yo Yo Ma to PhD lectures taught by the finest minds donated by the Bill Gates Foundation. What if you could create an archive of the most influential and inspiring teachers and place them on one location to teach and deliver knowledge? With a pure mission and limited commercialization, the answer is easy, just start doing it. Access will be free to all. However, restrictions on copyright and delivery placed on any commercial application. This way a commercial company cannot repackage the content and sell it.

Content propagation: Early stages we can use a set of parameters for teachers to submit modules (unique subject or topic lesson) Basic video and PowerPoint parameters for the module. Submission of the raw files would then be edited by education volunteers and compressed and cataloged for access on the web. Anyone would be able to submit content. Obviously it would be screened before release and rated by users for its value. So the good teachers will automatically rise to the top while allowing for additional POV from other instructors. Similar to an eBay ranking or a cNet user opinion ranking.

Commercial Content: Money will be generated thru donations and content development Branding. IE (Apple Computer pays George Lucas to teach a module on film editing using Final Cut Pro an Apple product) Donations of content and subject can be made by respective companies who can brand their modules. I foresee companies creating departments specially for educational content to brand their company into the minds of students. This lesson was donated by Exxon Oil Company.

Education Passport ID: or EPID's Each Student will have a unique login and access/bio, EVERYTHING will be tracked. From how many times a certain lesion is accessed to grades on tests and learning curve in the whole (ie the average test scores for everyone in the age group and times taken and times accessed) Suggestions for additional learning and tutorials will be available thru automation and statistics based on the whole. This Education Passport ID will serve as documentation of an education and could be used as proof of knowledge. So if some Kid from Bosnia sends in an application to Microsoft to become a coder. They can see everything she has done from birth to qualify herself for the job. School projects, papers, creative works, body of education applied content. Past studies will be accessible on demand by bookmarks or personalized cliff notes on stuff not easily learned or areas for quick reference for a particular student. This way when a programmer or widget maker forgets something they forget all the time they can create a memory clip or notepad bookmark to access to information efficiently. Possible recording of type of learning that works well with this type of person. For possible identifyication of current and beginning students to lead them to their type of teacher. Visual vs words, practice vs theory, aptitude vs learned etc...

Data mining for employers: Ten years from now maybe even sooner, a company can have blind access to EPID's, meaning they can see qualifications, imperial data, School projects, papers, creative works, body of education applied content even access to specific aptitude tests for potential employee candidates. So, now equal rights are not an issue. In theory this concept could be responsible for putting the best minds in the right places, kick starting aptitude evolution.

Outline for website.

Sitemap Guide

   * This will help with design of website and organization of content and access. Simple is better. Lets try to make the navigation as simple as possible. Content will have no limits but the flow and access should be as elementary as possible.

   * learn
         o Begin
               + Registration 
         o sign In
               + Login 
               + Random user verification - set of questions asked over and over again throughout education to test identification. Recording random evidence at random intervals. 
         o My stuff/education/art/images/music
               + My studies - detailed current study
               + My works - personal bodies of work
               + My art - library of art, music,
               + My thoughts - place to document, train of thought, personal goals, Personal mission statements - achievements
               + Career goals - outline career goals
               + Personal timeline of knowledge. Timeline of study and
               + My learning aptitudes - rating a person on their strengths and encouraging lessons to develop aptitude with a balance to traditional rounded education
               + My slates - workspace for study specific organization, e-mails, notes, films, film clips, spoken word, quotes, logs, research, collaborations, (workplace organization - user specified workspace, research, search, quick reference,
               + Shared slates - collaborations, organization, communication thru lessons rather than direct communications, - who organizes, rating system will organize
               + My groups - education related groups with direct communication 
   * enable
         o Donate
               + Lets set up a not for profit bank account and use PayPal until we find a better solution.
               + Create a PFD for Donations, maybe with levels bronze silver gold or different words to inspire/encourage upgrade of donations. Trackable and applied to EPID, so there donations can not be forgotten. 
         o Sponsor
               + Sponsor Registration
                     # Corporate
                           * IBM
                           * Macromedia 
                     # Educational Institution
                           * Harvard
                           * Duke 
                     # Foundations
                           * Bill Gates Foundation
                           * Rich folk 
   * contribute
         o Volunteer
               + Rating volunteer - search - research - rate - organize
                     # g-pg-13-r
                     # k-12 13-16 ba-bs-phd-etc??? 
               + Module ratings
                     # Rate module
                     # Contribute to module
                     # Add resource or additional content 
         o Teach
               + Teacher stuff
                     # Support staff and volunteers 
               + submit
               + Producer/teacher connections
                     # Introductions
                     # Parameters 
         o Create/produce
         o Request 

  1. Decide on a prototype subject
        1. Subject must speak to everyone
              1. English
              2. Spanish 
  2. Discuss GUI see Macromedia Education

Splash page after subject selection will have language choice, when we implement this will be automatically selected as we will already know what language the user is fluent but for demo purposes

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