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User:Bluefoxicy/Psychic Experiments

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I have been doing psychic experiments. Here are my tallies.

Two Card


In the original experiment, I draw a given number of sets of three cards from a deck, and see if I can predict the cards. In this experiment, I use usually two types of cards. Cards are arranged so that they all have the same orientation from the back, thus cannot be guessed; cards are reshuffled after every draw to avoid card counting. Three cards are chosen in each draw, thus each individual selection has a 50% chance of being correct; however, a whole set may not be perfectly mixed.

I am using Pokemon energy cards. The deck consists of 10 fire and 10 leaf energy cards. My initial drawings are done in sets of 20. The tables show my selection and the actual card chosen, as well as a constant graph of my accuracy.

      1     2     3     A     T     %
1     F/F   G/G   F/G   2     2     67
2     F/F   F/G   F/F   2     4     67
3     G/G   F/G   F/F   2     6     67
4     G/G   G/G   F/G   2     8     67
5     G/F   G/G   G/G   2     10    67
6     F/F   G/G   F/G   2     12    67
7     G/F   G/G   F/G   1     13    62
8     F/F   G/G   G/F   2     15    63
9     F/G   F/F   F/G   1     16    59
10    G/F   G/F   G/G   1     17    56
11    F/F   G/G   G/F   2     19    58
12    G/G   F/F   G/F   2     21    58
13    F/G   G/F   F/G   0     21    54
14    G/G   G/F   F/F   2     23    57
15    F/G   G/F   F/F   1     24    53
16    F/F   G/G   G/F   2     26    54
17    G/F   G/G   F/G   1     27    53
18    G/F   G/G   G/G   2     29    54
19    G/G   G/F   G/G   2     31    54
20    G/G   F/F   G/G   3     34    57
John Moser 07:25, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)
      1     2     3     A     T     %
1     G/G   F/F   F/F   3     3     100
2     F/F   F/G   F/G   1     4     67
3     G/G   G/F   F/F   2     6     67
4     G/G   F/G   F/G   1     7     58
5     F/F   F/G   G/F   1     8     53
6     F/F   F/F   F/F   3     11    61
7     G/F   G/F   G/G   1     12    57
8     G/G   G/F   G/G   2     14    58
9     F/F   F/G   G/F   1     15    56
10    F/F   G/G   G/G   3     18    60
11    G/G   G/G   F/F   3     21    64
12    F/F   F/F   F/G   2     23    64
13    F/F   F/F   F/F   3     26    67
14    F/G   G/G   F/F   2     28    67
15    G/F   F/G   F/F   1     29    64
16    F/F   G/G   G/G   3     32    67
17    F/G   G/F   G/F   0     32    63
18    G/F   F/G   G/G   1     33    61
19    G/F   G/F   G/F   0     33    57
20    F/F   G/G   G/F   2     35    58
John Moser 19:32, 4 Oct 2004 (UTC)