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The movie starts up with Mike O’Hara; he is one of the main characters in the movie. He seems to be giving a inspirational speech to a basketball team, but it reveals to be a P.E. teacher. The kids don’t really care much about playing basketball, and he quickly dismisses them to jump on a trampoline. Mike moves into his office because he gets a sudden visit from his wife Sheryl. She breaks that news that she is going to file for divorce. The main reason for divorcing him is, that he is an obsession sports fan. Each season he cheers for the local team. Basketball, football, and hockey. Although the bad news was hard to bare, he had tickets to Game Six of the NBA Championship that was being played in Boston. The Celtics are playing the Utah Jazz that is led by a Seton Hall graduate Lewis Scott. At the game he meets up with one of his best friends in Jimmy Flaherty. They have been friends since high school and both are die hard sports fans. Jimmy works as a local plumber. Lewis Scott explodes in the second half of the game to beat the Celtics by one point. That win pushes they series to a game seven that will be played two days later at the Boston Gardens. Later that night, two bartenders tip off Jimmy and Mike that Lewis Scott was at one of the local nightclubs. The original plan was to just look at him in the eye and then leave, but they end up buying him some drinks to get him drunk before the game. Jimmy, Mike, and Lewis all walk out of the club drunk. They call for a cab when Lewis passes out. In a drunken stupor they ended up back at Jimmy’s apartment. When they awake sober they dress up Lewis Scott in Celtics stuff and took a bunch of different pictures. After Scott threatened to call the police, they decided to keep him. While they were arguing back and forth about what to do with Lewis, Mike leaves and goes to get breakfast. That is just what Lewis wanted. He had Mike all by himself, so he started to work his magic. After almost convincing Mike to let him lose, Jimmy finally shows up when some breakfast. During the trip for breakfast Jimmy talked to Kevin about what kind of charges they would get, and regardless of how long they kept him it would be kidnapping. So Jimmy pulls Mike aside and they decide they’re fate. In a last ditch effort for the struggle Celtics to come away with the title, Jimmy and Mike decide to get they’re butts and keep Lewis Scott until after Game Seven of the finals. As they watch some sports, they start to talk about sport stars selling out for big money to do commercials deals. Jimmy says to Lewis Scott that if a commercials staring Lewis Scott isn’t seen on the a channel as he flipped through they would let him go. But sure ahead a Lewis Scott Oscar-Meyer commercial popped up as he flipped through. Now the fun starts, there was a knock at the door. So they quickly have to hide Lewis Scott as the look to see who it was, it just happened to be Sheryl. Having particially pushing her out of the door, they go to sit down again thinking that that was the last distraction. There was another knock at the door, and this time it was Jimmy’s landlord. He demanded some cash, as they talked Lewis Scott was able to get out of the make shift handcuffs and make a run for the door. The chase was on; Jimmy and Mike ran out into the streets of Boston trying to find the Utah Jazz’s best player. It was almost impossible for Lewis Scott to get a cab and he tried several times. Jimmy and Mike finally cornered him in an alley and was able to re-capture him. With no where was to take him, they’re plan was just to ride around until after game seven. But Lewis Scott use some more reverse physiology and was able to trick Jimmy and Mike to play a game of basketball. Of Lewis Scott won then he was free to go, but Jimmy and Mike had to show up at game seven dressed up in Jazz gear. If Jimmy and Mike won, then they could keep Lewis Scott until after the game seven and he wouldn’t press charges. After Lewis Scott crushed them in a game of basketball he decided not to press charges but he wanted them to show up in the Boston Garden dressed in Jazz stuff. They eventually showed up, and the Jazz won.