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MBille Debian Sarge Install and Configuration Ref: Linux, Debian, Unix Operating Systems Interest: Debconf, Debian configuration tools for new users, Debian "Newbies" [edit]

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Debian Sarge

Thursday 30 December 2004

Ref: Debconf, Debian configuration tools (Deb. "Sarge")

As a relative new comer to Debian Sarge (TESTING) Installation and Configuration, I am primarily interested in Tools or Methods that will make life easier for Debian Newbies. I skipped over Debian Woody and went straight for "Sarge" for 2 reasons: 1. "Woody" would not install for me on i386 (2 diff. machines) and 2. I was under the profoundly mistaken impression that Sarge would be released

"real soon now" (Nov., certainly by Dec., 2004  9-).  Apparently THAT is not     the Debian way.